Tackle Stress Symptoms With Deep Breathing

When left unmanaged, stress can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

One of the easiest ways to help tackle stress and anxiety is through deep, diaphragmatic breathing. POWERbreathe Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) targets the muscles you use to breathe in, mainly the diaphragm and intercostals. This type of training exercises the breathing muscles making them stronger and helping you to take deeper breaths.

Daily exercises with breathing devices like POWERbreathe IMT will help you build a better deep breathing habit so that when you are feeling stressed out, your body will react calmly. It is natural, and drug-free.

Breathing Exercises Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Deep breathing exercises can help you control your heart rate to bring about relaxation by calming the body’s stress response.

It does this by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, commonly known as the rest-and-digest response, which promotes relaxation and reduces the body’s stress response.

Diaphragmatic breathing is hugely beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. When you breathe shallowly, it can ramp up stress, anxiety, and mental burnout. But if you control your breathing, it will help to calm things down inside, which is great for your body and mind!

Achieve Calm Through Breath

Use the POWERbreathe IMT breathing training method to help you connect with your diaphragm and practice mindful breathing. This will help to keep your body’s reaction to stress and anxiety in check.

Research backs up the use of POWERbreathe IMT for improving the perception of depression, fatigue, sleep quality and health-related quality of life.

Evidence also suggests that diaphragmatic breathing may reduce physiological and psychological stress.

The Effect of Breathing Exercise on Stress Hormones

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