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Better breathing habits help you sleep more soundly. Reduce snoring and sleep apnea by improving breathing strength and efficiency.
A disturbed night’s sleep can result from physical or emotional issues or a sleep condition such as sleep apnea. It can also affect your mental health. Using good breathing techniques throughout the day can help you sleep well at night.
Focusing on your breathing can help you relax your mind and body, and practising better breathing habits can help you sleep more soundly. One such breathing exercise can help you breathe more deeply, stimulating your relaxation response.
Breathing deeply from your diaphragm boosts lung function to help you breathe better, improving sleep quality and reducing snoring and sleep apnea by improving breathing strength and efficiency.
Thanks to the pressures of busy lifestyles, we have ‘forgotten’ how to breathe properly; from the diaphragm. We are born breathing at our best. Just look at the rise and fall of a baby’s abdomen when sleeping deeply and peacefully. They are breathing as nature intended, with deep diaphragmatic breaths. Thanks to busy lifestyles and the use of mobile phones, tablets and laptops, we’ve become a nation of chest breathers. Breathing from the chest results in shallow breathing, causing tension in the upper body, fatigue, panic and poor sleep.
Breathing from your diaphragm, however, results in breathing more deeply and filling your lungs more effectively. POWERbreathe Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) devices help you to do just that. POWERbreathe IMT is drug-free and scientifically proven to improve breathing muscle strength and stamina for better lung function and oxygen exchange. It’s a great tool for teaching the foundations of deep, strong breathing.
• 5 minutes of POWERbreathe K3 inspiratory muscle training a day improves sleep and reduces blood pressure and plasma catecholamines in adults with obstructive sleep apnea
• IMT with POWERbreathe Classic LR improves the sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
• POWERbreathe Classic LR IMT increased inspiratory muscle strength, substantially reduced severity of sleep apnea & had a positive impact on sleep quality & daytime sleepiness
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