Altitude Training

Training in simulated altitude and environmental conditions with POWERbreathe systems, forces your body to become more efficient and enhances athletic performance.

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POWERbreathe work with leading experts in Human Performance and Sports Science, as well as experts in product development who have considerable knowledge in simulated altitude training and simulated environmental conditions, to produce innovative, safe and controllable equipment.

This has resulted in an extensive, unrivaled and comprehensive product range that caters to all budgets. Our range includes hypoxic mask-based systems, sleeping rooms, exercise rooms and inflatable modules. This variety provides simulated altitude and environmental spaces of all sizes.

POWERbreathe Altitude & Environmental Systems equipment can be used for a wide range of purposes, including athletic training, pre-acclimatization and research/testing purposes, by forcing your body to become more efficient with the oxygen it has available.

POWERbreathe simulated altitude equipment is ideal for:

  • Individual amateur athletes, elite athletes and sports teams
  • Individuals and groups preparing for extreme adventures
  • Sports science researchers

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  • woman cycling in pbaes semi permanent room
  • PBAES Inflatable Running Module
  • PBAES Inflatable Sleep Module
  • PBAES Inflatable h/p/cosmos Module
  • The Summit Series 400 Hypoxic Air Generator.
  • A Summit Series 400 Hypoxic Air Generator.
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